Due to the world now hating the Island of Paradis because of the attacks on the city of Liberio, Marley has formed an alliance with the world to wipe Paradis off the map.  Paradis is now in a desperate fight for survival.  They need to defend the city of Shiganshina to buy time for Eren and Zeke Yeager to start the rumbling to end the world.  It’s the island or the world, and Paradis rejects the world.

Saturday, September 24, 2022
Harris Farm Airsoft Field is located at:  271 Buzzell Road, Dayton, Maine, United States
08:00 Parking lot opens; Participants gear up09:00 Sugar House opens for check-in, rentals, & salesThose who arrive after 9:30 a.m. may not participate.10:00 Sugar House closes; New-player orientation10:15 Gear inspected; Guns chronographed10:30 Game briefing10:45 Field insertion11:00 Startex15:00 Endex; Debriefing & Raffle at MAC
Event TypeObjectives = scoredRole-playing = lightTimeline = phasedRules = complexTrigger time = heavyPhysical exertion = heavy
Please BUY A TICKET online in advance HERE to get into this event because our capacity is limited.
Required ItemsAdmission eTicket purchased in advanceBarrel cover on each airsoft rifleFull-seal eye protection (ANSI Z87.1) with a strapHard plastic/metal lower face mask for <15 yearsPortable hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)Red rag (at least 1 square foot)Signed 2020 Waiver unless you already gave oneWristwatch with stopwatch timerDetailed Required Items linked HERE
Field RulesAge minimum = 12 yearsFPS limit = 400fps with .25s (1.86J)Bolt-action limit = 550fps w/ .25s (3.51J) & 100’ MEDFriendly fire counts.Gun hits count.Safety kills are optional.Noise grenades eliminate everyone in the same room.Explosive devices have several restrictions.More Field Rules linked HERE
Semi-Auto OnlyFull-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this event.  Only one BB is to be projected with each cycle of the trigger.However, we allow the following exceptions to this rule:
Hit & Respawn Rules
Details linked HERE
FactionsYour faction will be finalized on game day based on your preferences, your loadout/clothing, your experience level, your friend group, any local airsoft team affiliation that you may have, and our faction size goals:
Paradis Armed
Size goal: 50% of all attendeesPermanent self-respawn: Alpha BaseProvided insignia: blueRadio channel: 1 (462.5625 MHz)
Marleyan Military
Size goal: 50% of all attendeesPermanent self-respawn: Harris BridgeProvided insignia: whiteRadio channel: 2 (462.5875 MHz)
Radio CommunicationIf you have a two-way radio, keep it set on your faction’s radio channel.  You may not monitor or transmit on the other factions' channels unless you have a special role that allows itVOX mode, hot mic-ing, and channel jamming are all prohibited.  Please familiarize yourself with your radio and program in its channels before arriving at the field.
Restricted Spawn-campingYou and your faction are not allowed to stalk, surround, or fire upon the opposing faction's permanent self-respawn location.  Likewise, they're not allowed to camp your permanent self-respawn either.  However, self-respawn flags at forward operating bases are vulnerable to attack as described below.
Forward Operating BaseAfter the operation begins, each faction may establish a forward operating base (FOB) at any location of their choice within the area of operations (AO) that is at least 300 feet away from the opposing faction's permanent self-respawn location.  To do so, they must place a special "FOB RESPAWN" flag that will serve as a second self-respawn pole for everyone in their faction.  However, at any time, the opposing faction may come through and deactivate it by simply taking it down, but it is not allowed to be moved or hidden by the opposing faction.  There is no limit to the number of times a FOB flag may be put up or taken down.  Any live player on the faction to whom the FOB flag belongs may move it at any time throughout the operation, and there is no limit to the number of times it may be moved.  At startex, each faction's FOB flag will be located at its permanent self-respawn location.
Time & GoalThere are no pauses between the phases because each will roll into the next per local time and announcements from OmegoEach faction has the opportunity to earn up to 2,000 minutes during this operation.  At 15:00, the faction that has earned the most minutes, as described below, will be declared the winner.  Omego will use the following matrix to score the game:
Phase 1: Conquest (11:0013:00)Paradis Island is being invaded by the Marleyan Military!  Each faction has the potential to earn up to 800 minutes during this phase.  Each faction starts at its permanent self-respawn location.  When startex is announced, Paradis gets a two-minute (120-second) head start to move into the AO in order to occupy and set up defenses around the control sites.  After two minutes, Marley will be released to do the same.  To counter Paradis' head start, for the first ten minutes after Marley's start time, Marley gets to direct a zeppelin airship (Omego's vehicle) with two invincible roof/window gunners to move slowly along the trails and attack enemies.  The airship is indestructible, and the two gunners do not call their hits.  The gunners will be played by the same individuals who will fill the roles of Falco and Gabi later in the phase as described below.  The airship is unable to drive any closer than 50 feet away from the stationary control sites, so it will only be able to strafe them from that distance.  The stationary control sites are located at Castle, Jackal's, Prison, & Wolves' and are marked with orange flags on the following map:
For an interactive map, click HERE.
Flip & RadioTo capture a control site, you must throw your enemy’s flag on the ground and replace it with your own as shown HERE.  There’s no limit to the number of times that the flags may be flipped on a control site, but you’re not allowed to steal or hide the flags.In order to begin accruing minutes for your faction on the control site that you just captured, you must also use the Baofeng radio that is located at the control site to notify Omego of the flip.  Any delay in radioing the flip will delay the accrual of minutes.  Each faction’s minute accrual will be started and stopped on Omego’s smart phone.  Everyone with an internet connection may monitor the scoreboard in real time through this URL:  https://multitimer.net/board/?q=5roce8p0vd  
Cart Titan's ArmamentIn addition to the four stationary control sites listed above, there will be one mobile control site known as the Armament.  All of the standard Flip & Radio rules (above) apply to it; however, it is on wheels and may be moved by the controlling faction to any location within the AO that is at least 300 feet away from both factions' permanent self-respawn sites.  There is no limit to the number of times it may be moved.
Falco and GabiShortly after the airship time runs out, the two gunners will be escorted and dropped into the game by Omego to two separate areas of what is judged to be the front between the opposing factions.  There will probably be firefights going on in these hot zones.  Each gunner will be inserted with a red rag on and either "FALCO" or "GABI" name patches displayed.  At this time, Falco and Gabi are neutral and able to be recruited by either faction.  These special characters must sit in place and wait as long as it takes for any member of either faction to come respawn them where they are sitting.  Then, Falco/Gabi will put on the insignia of the faction that just respawned them and will fight for them unless/until they get converted to the opposing faction as described below.  Falco/Gabi will also use a special radio set to the field's public-address system in order to announce the faction to which they have been recruited so that they can start earning minutes for it as tracked on the above URL.  Falco and Gabi are essentially mobile human control sites during this phase.  They are required to stay in the fight along the front lines which will put them at risk of being captured and converted over to the opposing faction.  This happens if a member of the opposing faction is able to get close enough to make physical contact with Falco/Gabi while Falco/Gabi are hit, and it will cause Falco/Gabi to immediately radio in the flip, switch insignia, remove their red rag, and begin fighting for the new faction.  This may all be done before Falco/Gabi's three minutes of post-hit sit time have elapsed.  However, Falco and Gabi must wait until after their three minutes of sit time have elapsed before being resapawned by someone who is on their current faction.  Falco/Gabi are never allowed to stand/move after their three minutes are up.  Instead, they must wait for someone to come to them.  Falco/Gabi are not allowed to be "dragged" by anyone.
Phase 2: Escort (13:0014:00)All of the conquest minute accruals from the prior phase are halted, and those objectives are no longer in play for the rest of the day.The Titans are coming!  Each faction has the potential to earn up to 600 minutes during this phase.  Two new special role players will enter the game with Eren starting at Paradis' permanent self-respawn (Alpha Base) and Reiner starting at Marley's permanent self-respawn (Harris Bridge).  Each will be wearing name patches and is loyal throughout the phase only to the faction from which they are starting.  They can only move when "dragged" from place to place and may not move when physical contact is broken.  They must submit to being "dragged" by any other player regardless of faction.  Eren and Reiner may be armed only with Omego-approved pistols and are invincible, so they do not call their hits.  When they are within ten feet of Panda Base, they are to be completely disarmed and may not eliminate any other players.   Each faction's objective is to secure Panda Base and escort Eren/Reiner there.  Once within the walls of the base, Eren/Reiner must communicate their arrival to Omego if he is unable to observe it directly.  This will result in a new minute accrual for their faction that is valued at ten times the minute accrual of standard control sites.  Therefore, one minute of Eren or Reiner being inside Panda Base is worth ten minutes toward their faction's score.
Phase 3: Recovery (14:0015:00)Any minute accruals from Panda base are halted, and that objective is no longer in play for the rest of the day.  Also, for the remainder of the operation, Eren and Reiner will follow standard hit/respawn rules just like their regular factionmates.Larger weapons are needed to fight enemy Titans!  Each faction has the potential to earn up to 600 minutes during this phase.  Players may have noticed some long silver objects locked to some of the base signs around the field.  Now that this last phase has started, these Thunder Spears are to be unlocked and collected by each faction to be brought to the large blue storage box that is located on the trail between the MAC and the Tents.  They may be stolen back and forth between the two factions, and control over the blue storage box may shift between the two as well.  The combination to the locks that hold the Thunder Spears will be revealed to all players at 14:00.  There are a total of ten of these valuable weapons in the AO with five locked on each side (east versus west), and they will only be scored one time at the very end of the gameThunder Spears that are in or on the blue box at endex (15:00) will earn 60 minutes each to the faction that has the live player who is closest to the box at that time.
LeadershipSince you care enough about this event to have read this far down, please consider requesting a leadership role.  Details linked HERE
Raffle GiveawayIf you stay until endex, we'll give you a FREE raffle ticket and a chance to win a valuable airsoft prize.
Swap MeetYou are welcome to buy/sell/trade your airsoft equipment in and around the parking lot and staging area during the morning of this event.
Our Commitment to YouThe field managers and event producers will follow through with this operation regardless of the weather.  We are fully committed to delivering everything that we advertise and greatly respect the sacrifices that you make in order to attend our ops.  Your opinions and improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share them.
This event was produced by Yao Wen Hu with input from Omego.  If you have any questions, please ask!