The primary values of Harris Field are SHUR (Safety, Honor, Understand Rules).
RiskPlease know that airsoft is risky to your health because it involves people shooting hard plastic BBs at each other while running through the woods. Unfortunately, the only way to completely eliminate this risk is to not participate.
Safe ZoneThe area around the Sugar House and the parking lot is known as the Safe Zone where no shooting is allowed, not even dry firing. Your gun magazine needs to be out of your gun while in the Safe Zone, and an industry-approved barrel cover must be in place.
Live-fire ZoneThe airsoft playing area is known as the Live-fire Zone. You must be at least 12 years old to play airsoft at Harris Field or to enter the Live-fire Zone.
Eye ProtectionYou are required to wear eye protection at all times while in the Live-fire Zone. Your protective eyewear must provide a full seal around your eyes to keep the BBs out. Shooting glasses are not acceptable. Your protective eyewear must be attached to your head with an elastic strap so that they won’t fall off easily. Regular eyeglass temple arms that rest on the ears are not acceptable. The lenses of your eyewear must meet or exceed a required standard for ballistic protection such as ANSI Z87.1. Goggle fogging is a major problem for many airsofters. Anti-fogging products can be your most valuable airsoft investment. A combination of thermal lenses, micro fans, anti-fog sprays/gels, and magnetic fog wipers can help tremendously. If your goggles fog up completely, ask a friend escort you to a safe place where the condensation can be removed.
Face ProtectionFull-face protection is required at Harris Field for anyone under the age of 15 years and is strongly recommended for all other players. If you choose not to wear adequate protective equipment and get injured while at an airsoft event, you have only yourself to blame because you decided to put yourself at higher risk.
TerrainThe biggest hazard on the field is not the BB gunfire. It’s the environment! Watch your step as you move through rough terrain to save yourself from tripping and falling, and don’t hit your head on low branches. Boots have been lost in the deep mud pits found throughout the field and on the main trail. Beware that there could still be some old barbed wire out there.
Heat & DehydrationWatch yourself and your friends for heat-related emergencies and dehydration. Your earliest warning is thirst. Drink before you get thirsty. You’re probably not getting enough fluid and electrolytes if you have a headache, dark urine, or major muscle spasms such as leg cramps.If you develop nausea, dizziness, or difficulty concentrating, you need to promptly stop playing so that you can rest and rehydrate. Watch out for your buddies and immediately call for help if you notice any confusion or loss of consciousness.
Channel 1 and RadiosAlthough not required, it may be helpful for your tactical success to have a two-way radio while on the field. In the event of an emergency such as someone getting seriously hurt, you will want to immediately contact field staff using FRS Channel 1 (462.5625 MHz) on your radio. You may also use channel 1 to ask about any game rules that you are unsure of. Please hold down the talk button for about a second before speaking so that your first words will be transmitted. Always make certain that your radio is set in PTT (Push-To-Talk) mode and never on VOX (Voice Activation) mode. If it sounds like someone’s radio is set to VOX, please ask the players around you to recheck their radio settings.
Field BoundaryHarris Field is shaped like a wide/flat diamond as shown HERE. Gould Road and Buzzell Road mark the northern boundaries of the airsoft field. Always stay at least 100 feet back in from these public roads. Never aim your airsoft gun out into the street because we often see pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles there. A large section of the southern border runs along an open meadow that can be used as a short cut to get to South Bridge. Players may walk along the perimeter of the meadow but are not allowed to run deep into it because that could damage the land owner’s crops. The southwest border of the field runs through a heavily wooded area and is marked with orange trail tape. Never cross this boundary line because you will end up in someone’s backyard and risk a very serious incident.
TicksTicks and Lyme disease are a huge problem for airsofters in Maine. We recommend applying a bug repellent like REPEL® for skin and a clothing spray that contains 0.5% permethrin. Always use a mirror to inspect your entire body for ticks as soon as you get home. Other important information is linked HERE.
Prohibited ItemsAlcohol and illicit drugs are strictly prohibited. Other forbidden items include anything with an open flame such as flares, firecrackers, or any smoke/projectile grenades with exposed fuses. However, specially trained Harris Field volunteer staff might use some of these items at scripted times to enhance an in-game theatrical effect.Real steel guns are prohibited at Harris Field. Don’t bring any non-airsoft weapons onto the field such as metal-BB guns, pellet guns, sling shots, or archery. Regardless of whether they're labeled for airsoft, you are still prohibited from using any metal BBs such as THESE aluminum BBs or THESE stainless steel BBs. Ceramic and glass/silica BBs are also forbidden.We allow the use of soft boffer foam weapons at some of our events, but these items need to be preapproved by the event organizer and field staff. Never use a real knife to simulate an attack against another player. Just leave your blades at home!
FPS Limit (Standard)The airsoft weapons allowed at Harris Field are limited to a muzzle energy of no more than 1.858 joules which is the same as 400 feet-per-second (fps) using BBs that have a mass of 0.25 grams. Click HERE to learn about joules. We routinely conduct chronographic testing using the chart linked HERE to verify that no one’s gun is shooting over this limit.
FPS Limit (Bolt-action)A special category of airsoft weapon is allowed to shoot up to a higher muzzle energy of no more than 3.513 joules which is the same as 550 feet-per-second (fps) using BBs that have a mass of 0.25 grams as shown on the last column of the chart linked HERE. These guns must be at least 36 inches (914.4 millimeters) in length from butt to muzzle, and they must be designed to require the operator to perform a bolt-action or lever-action movement before each squeeze of the trigger in order to fire each BB. When these high-power guns are used to shoot at human targets, they must be at least 100 feet away from their target before firing. Shooters who break this 100-foot minimum-engagement-distance (MED) rule will be prohibited from using these guns at Harris Field and may be ejected from the property for violating field safety.
Gun SafetyAlways treat all firearms as if they are loaded. This includes airsoft guns. Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction. Never point a firearm at anyone or anything that should not be shot. Never look down the barrel of your gun.Always keep your finger off of the trigger, outside of the trigger guard, and your selector on SAFE until you are ready to fire. Always be fully aware of exactly what your target is, what is around it, and what is behind it. Before exiting the Live-fire Zone, always remove your gun magazine, fire twice to clear your hop-up chamber, and apply your barrel cover.
Injury from BBsAirsoft devices can be very dangerous. 300 fps > 204 mph!Airsoft BBs can become lodged in your face and cause permanent scars. They can chip and break off your teeth. Dental repairs can cost thousands of dollars. This is why we recommend full-face protection for everyone!
Shooter’s ResponsibilityThe shooter of the airsoft gun should never be reckless when engaging a target. Every trigger pull is a decision. This means that you are responsible for the trajectory and number of BBs that fly out of your gun. Never allow your trigger finger to be controlled by fear, excitement, stress, haste, or anger. Remember to slow down, breathe deeply, and think before you squeeze. Always take into consideration the proximity and vulnerability of the human body part at which you are aiming. Please aim lower when you get really close to a standing target. Aim for center mass rather than a headshot especially at close range. Switch to semi-auto and never spray full-auto when within 10 feet of your target. Your selector switch should also be set to semi whenever you're inside of our built-up close-quarters battle areas.
Optional Safety KillsOur field does not have a mandatory safety kill or “bang-bang” rule that is sometimes used during close-proximity engagements at other airsoft fields. Players at Harris Field are actually encouraged to shoot each other with a single shot to a non-sensitive area when at point-blank range. We support this because getting shot by a BB is a lot more immediate and decisive in determining a hit rather than having to follow a complicated safety-kill rule set that involves distance estimation and dispute challenges.Alternatively, generous players may sometimes offer for their targets to call themselves out, but this is only a polite courtesy and is usually performed by offering for them to surrender. This option is not required and doesn’t need to be adhered to by the targeted player who could try to quickly turn around and shoot first. So, always keep your gun aimed at your opponent and ready to fire in these situations. Wait until your opponent has agreed to surrender and has acknowledged it by donning a red rag before you divert your muzzle away.
No Blind FiringBlind firing is when you hide behind cover and stick your gun out to start shooting without being able to see what you’re shooting at. This is prohibited at Harris Field because it’s too dangerous.
Forbidden TargetsNever shoot at a person who is not wearing adequate eye protection. Always ask yourself if your target is wearing eye-pro before pulling the trigger. Beware of curious non-players who might wander onto the field during an airsoft game. If this happens, tell them to cover their eyes with their hands. Yell for all airsofters in the area to stop shooting, and call for a field moderator to assist them off the field.Never deliberately shoot at a player who is wearing a red rag. Avoid shooting anyone who is wearing bright orange or yellow vests/hats because these are worn by dedicated field moderators, photographers, or special observers who are not playing. Never shoot at birds or other critters.
No Hard ContactAvoid physically touching other players. Never tackle, shove, punch, kick, or bite anyone. Fist fighting will result in police intervention and expulsion from the property.
Self-censorshipNo person shall be denied participation at Harris Field on the basis of body type, citizenship, ethnicity, experience level, gender identity, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. All forms of sexual harassment are prohibited at all times. Bullying and intimidation are forbidden unless it is scripted into a role-playing aspect of the game.
Safety from TheftWhen not in use, store your property in your vehicle and keep the doors locked. Harris Farm and staff are not responsible for lost, stolen, vandalized, damaged, or destroyed property.
HonorAirsoft is a game of honor. We call our hits and operate on an honor system. Honor is fundamental to the basic function of an airsoft game. Honor is adherence to what is right and fair. It is also your source of distinction within the community such as your reputation. Honor is synonymous with respect and value. So, act honorably, and you will be treated with honor.
HonestyHonesty in airsoft is about not cheating. If the game rules state that you’re supposed to sit for three minutes after getting hit, then you are expected to sit for three full minutes. Two minutes and 50 seconds isn’t long enough.Most importantly, call your hits! Honest players always call their hits. It is the most necessary part of the game. Airsoft is all about giving, taking, and sharing. There’s a lot more glory in taking a good hit than getting a kill.
AccuracyNever assume that your BBs are hitting your target unless you actually see them hit and bounce off. Also, don’t assume that everyone else’s gun is as accurate as yours. Don’t assume that their gun can hit you at range with only one or two shots. Sometimes, it may take a cluster of several shots for there to be any change of one BB hitting you. We have a wide range of equipment technology and experience levels on the field. Please be tolerant and forgiving especially with new players.
Lead by ExampleSet a good example for those around you by keeping your cool when things get heated. Never yell at others to call their hits. A truly honorable and disciplined airsofter would never call an opponent’s hit, not even quietly or politely. If you notice someone blatantly violating the rules, we have field moderators who are interested in hearing from you and gathering the facts of the situation. Don’t argue with anyone directly.
Pseudo-rageAirsofters often scream and cuss at each other. You might get yelled at, but please don’t take it personally. The stress of conflict simulation often brings out the worst behaviors in all of us. Excessive rage and profanity surfaces within the culture of airsoft especially during high-intensity firefights. Try to take it in as an exciting part of the simulation, and know that the person hollering at you will probably be smiling and apologetic later in the day.
Understand RulesAirsoft game rules are often complicated. If you’re unsure about a rule, please ask a moderator. Don’t quote game rules to other players unless you have a printed copy of them in your pocket. Likewise, if another player quotes a rule to you that sounds dubious, please contact a moderator for clarification.
Embedded MODsHarris Field has several embedded moderators or OCs (Observer/Controllers) who appear to be regular players, but they are actually undercover field moderators and may have orange “MOD” patches. These moderators have the authority to call players out or alter the game rules at any time. If you feel that a moderator is abusing their power, please contact the field manager on duty.
Gun and Equipment HitsUnless otherwise noted, gun hits count as player hits at Harris Field. And, so do hits to anything you are wearing or carrying such as a backpack or a portable game prop. Therefore, riot shields are worthless at Harris Field.
Friendly FireFriendly fire counts as a hit at Harris Field.
Explosive DevicesYou may sometimes be allowed to use certain explosive devices at Harris Field depending on the type of device, your age, the current game mode, the weather, and field conditions. These devices may sometimes include grenades and/or mines that project BBs, clay pellets, flashbang, gas, peas, small amounts of water, and/or smoke. Strikes from the small projectiles that come out of these devices count as hits. Please don’t bring any devices that emit paint, vinegar, flavored soda or anything else that would ruin someone’s clothing. If you discover a device that releases something that you believe should be added to our list of approved explosive projectiles, please contact us.Unless otherwise noted in the specific game rules, we welcome all of our players to use non-pyrotechnic explosive devices like the gas-powered Airsoft Innovations Tornado 2 Timer Frag Grenade or the spring-loaded Lancer Tactical GBR.Noise-producing grenades such as the APS/Hakkotsu Thunder B Devil Grenade may be used to distract opponents; however, they will not cause a player to be hit because Harris Field doesn’t honor any sort of a blast-radius rule. However, if a gas or pyro-powered (not spring-powered) noise-producing grenade detonates within a human-made structure that has a clearly-defined perimeter, each player within that perimeter is considered to be hit unless there was a solid wall (not just furniture) that blocked their entire body from all direct lines to the explosion. If one of these grenades detonates within a multi-room structure, it is expected to cause hits to only the exposed players who are located within the specific room where it exploded. Zoning ordinances prohibit us from putting solid roofs on our buildings, so pretend that a roof is there and don’t throw your grenades over them. However, you may toss your grenade through any open door or window. And, you may throw your grenades over any low walls that are less than 5’ tall. Never pick up a grenade to throw back at your enemy because it could explode in your hand and cause severe injuries.The use of pyrotechnic explosive devices is highly restricted at Harris Field. These devices include anything that involves any sort of burning, fire, friction, heat, sparks, etcetera in order to ignite and/or function. These devices fall under the category of Consumer Fireworks with a Hazard Division/Class of 1.4 (often 1.4G or 1.4S). A person under 21 years of age may not purchase, use, or possess consumer fireworks within the State of Maine—Title 8, Chapter 9-A, § 223-A. §§ 11 (D)The pyrotechnic devices used by players at Harris Field are required to have been manufactured in accordance with the applicable criteria of APA Standard 87-1 and purchased commercially. Homemade pyrotechnics are forbidden.Before bringing an approved pyrotechnic onto the field, you must clearly print your name on it in permanent marker. When using it, you must follow the safe-operating instructions provided with the pyrotechnic. After deploying, you must monitor your device through the completion of its effect and cool-down time so that you can safely retrieve and dispose of it properly. As shown HERE and HERE, any pyrotechnic can start a brush fire which could easily grow into a major forest fire!Players are prohibited from using fuse-lit pyrotechnics; however, ring/wire-pull and friction strike-cap igniters are allowed. Road flares and flare guns are forbidden. Never throw a hand grenade directly at someone's body.In order for players to be allowed to use approved pyrotechnic explosive devices at Harris Field, the Wildfire Danger Report must show a rating of Low (Class 1) or Moderate (Class 2) for Weather Zone 9 on the map. The fire danger rating will be announced during the pregame safety briefing. With approval from management, authorized field and game staff may occasionally operate explosive devices using methods that are beyond the limitations of this rule set as a means of safely enhancing an event.Also, smoke grenades may not be used inside any of our walled structures because of the increased risk of smoke inhalation and the resultant health hazards.
Large ProjectilesSome players use special devices to launch projectiles that are much larger than airsoft BBs such as replicas of mortars or 40mm grenade launchers. TAGinn projectiles, EndEx Pop Rockets, and similarly sized projectiles are included in this category, and some versions are permitted for use at Harris Field. These allowable projectiles must be commercially manufactured rather than homemade. However, their launchers may be homemade as long as they are built well enough to launch the projectile at least 100 feet before it hits the ground when fired at an average person's shoulder height which is 4 feet and 6 inches above the ground as tested with the person aiming it parallel to a stretch of relatively flat and level ground.Never launch any of these projectiles directly at someone’s body except for the Master Key - Buckshot round and the like which may be fired at someone if they're at least 10 feet away. The Velum smoke grenade is prohibited because it puts out too many sparks after it lands on the ground too far away from the shooter's supervision. The Paladin marker chalk/powder round is prohibited because it is too hard and makes a mess. Alternatively, you may use foam projectiles such as the Pecker dummy round which is softer, less dangerous, and less expensive. Even though foam rounds may not be fired directly at other players, they have the benefit of eliminating all of the players within the room where they land unless those players are hiding behind a solid wall within that room. If you're the shooter, please keep in mind that players often won't notice that the foam projectile landed in their room because it doesn't make enough noise and may not have been seen. Please do not get angry and start yelling if your dummy round fails to have the effect that you want.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these rules, please ask.And, remember to always be SHUR (Safety, Honor, Understand Rules).Are you SHUR?
RiskPlease know that airsoft is risky to your health because it involves people shooting hard plastic BBs at each other while running through the woods. Unfortunately, the only way to completely eliminate this risk is to not participate.
Safe ZoneThe area around the Sugar House and the parking lot is known as the Safe Zone where no shooting is allowed, not even dry firing. Your gun magazine needs to be out of your gun while in the Safe Zone, and an industry-approved barrel cover must be in place.
Live-fire ZoneThe airsoft playing area is known as the Live-fire Zone. You must be at least 12 years old to play airsoft at Harris Field or to enter the Live-fire Zone.
Eye ProtectionYou are required to wear eye protection at all times while in the Live-fire Zone. Your protective eyewear must provide a full seal around your eyes to keep the BBs out. Shooting glasses are not acceptable. Your protective eyewear must be attached to your head with an elastic strap so that they won’t fall off easily. Regular eyeglass temple arms that rest on the ears are not acceptable. The lenses of your eyewear must meet or exceed a required standard for ballistic protection such as ANSI Z87.1. Goggle fogging is a major problem for many airsofters. Anti-fogging products can be your most valuable airsoft investment. A combination of thermal lenses, micro fans, anti-fog sprays/gels, and magnetic fog wipers can help tremendously. If your goggles fog up completely, ask a friend escort you to a safe place where the condensation can be removed.
Face ProtectionFull-face protection is required at Harris Field for anyone under the age of 15 years and is strongly recommended for all other players. If you choose not to wear adequate protective equipment and get injured while at an airsoft event, you have only yourself to blame because you decided to put yourself at higher risk.
TerrainThe biggest hazard on the field is not the BB gunfire. It’s the environment! Watch your step as you move through rough terrain to save yourself from tripping and falling, and don’t hit your head on low branches. Boots have been lost in the deep mud pits found throughout the field and on the main trail. Beware that there could still be some old barbed wire out there.
Heat & DehydrationWatch yourself and your friends for heat-related emergencies and dehydration. Your earliest warning is thirst. Drink before you get thirsty. You’re probably not getting enough fluid and electrolytes if you have a headache, dark urine, or major muscle spasms such as leg cramps.If you develop nausea, dizziness, or difficulty concentrating, you need to promptly stop playing so that you can rest and rehydrate. Watch out for your buddies and immediately call for help if you notice any confusion or loss of consciousness.
Channel 1 and RadiosAlthough not required, it may be helpful for your tactical success to have a two-way radio while on the field. In the event of an emergency such as someone getting seriously hurt, you will want to immediately contact field staff using FRS Channel 1 (462.5625 MHz) on your radio. You may also use channel 1 to ask about any game rules that you are unsure of. Please hold down the talk button for about a second before speaking so that your first words will be transmitted. Always make certain that your radio is set in PTT (Push-To-Talk) mode and never on VOX (Voice Activation) mode. If it sounds like someone’s radio is set to VOX, please ask the players around you to recheck their radio settings.
Field BoundaryHarris Field is shaped like a wide/flat diamond as shown HERE. Gould Road and Buzzell Road mark the northern boundaries of the airsoft field. Always stay at least 100 feet back in from these public roads. Never aim your airsoft gun out into the street because we often see pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles there. A large section of the southern border runs along an open meadow that can be used as a short cut to get to South Bridge. Players may walk along the perimeter of the meadow but are not allowed to run deep into it because that could damage the land owner’s crops. The southwest border of the field runs through a heavily wooded area and is marked with orange trail tape. Never cross this boundary line because you will end up in someone’s backyard and risk a very serious incident.
TicksTicks and Lyme disease are a huge problem for airsofters in Maine. We recommend applying a bug repellent like REPEL® for skin and a clothing spray that contains 0.5% permethrin. Always use a mirror to inspect your entire body for ticks as soon as you get home. Other important information is linked HERE.
Prohibited ItemsAlcohol and illicit drugs are strictly prohibited. Other forbidden items include anything with an open flame such as flares, firecrackers, or any smoke/projectile grenades with exposed fuses. However, specially trained Harris Field volunteer staff might use some of these items at scripted times to enhance an in-game theatrical effect.Real steel guns are prohibited at Harris Field. Don’t bring any non-airsoft weapons onto the field such as metal-BB guns, pellet guns, sling shots, or archery. Regardless of whether they're labeled for airsoft, you are still prohibited from using any metal BBs such as THESE aluminum BBs or THESE stainless steel BBs. Ceramic and glass/silica BBs are also forbidden.We allow the use of soft boffer foam weapons at some of our events, but these items need to be preapproved by the event organizer and field staff. Never use a real knife to simulate an attack against another player. Just leave your blades at home!
FPS Limit (Standard)The airsoft weapons allowed at Harris Field are limited to a muzzle energy of no more than 1.858 joules which is the same as 400 feet-per-second (fps) using BBs that have a mass of 0.25 grams. Click HERE to learn about joules. We routinely conduct chronographic testing using the chart linked HERE to verify that no one’s gun is shooting over this limit.
FPS Limit (Bolt-action)A special category of airsoft weapon is allowed to shoot up to a higher muzzle energy of no more than 3.513 joules which is the same as 550 feet-per-second (fps) using BBs that have a mass of 0.25 grams as shown on the last column of the chart linked HERE. These guns must be at least 36 inches (914.4 millimeters) in length from butt to muzzle, and they must be designed to require the operator to perform a bolt-action or lever-action movement before each squeeze of the trigger in order to fire each BB. When these high-power guns are used to shoot at human targets, they must be at least 100 feet away from their target before firing. Shooters who break this 100-foot minimum-engagement-distance (MED) rule will be prohibited from using these guns at Harris Field and may be ejected from the property for violating field safety.
Gun SafetyAlways treat all firearms as if they are loaded. This includes airsoft guns. Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction. Never point a firearm at anyone or anything that should not be shot. Never look down the barrel of your gun.Always keep your finger off of the trigger, outside of the trigger guard, and your selector on SAFE until you are ready to fire. Always be fully aware of exactly what your target is, what is around it, and what is behind it. Before exiting the Live-fire Zone, always remove your gun magazine, fire twice to clear your hop-up chamber, and apply your barrel cover.
Injury from BBsAirsoft devices can be very dangerous. 300 fps > 204 mph!Airsoft BBs can become lodged in your face and cause permanent scars. They can chip and break off your teeth. Dental repairs can cost thousands of dollars. This is why we recommend full-face protection for everyone!
Shooter’s ResponsibilityThe shooter of the airsoft gun should never be reckless when engaging a target. Every trigger pull is a decision. This means that you are responsible for the trajectory and number of BBs that fly out of your gun. Never allow your trigger finger to be controlled by fear, excitement, stress, haste, or anger. Remember to slow down, breathe deeply, and think before you squeeze. Always take into consideration the proximity and vulnerability of the human body part at which you are aiming. Please aim lower when you get really close to a standing target. Aim for center mass rather than a headshot especially at close range. Switch to semi-auto and never spray full-auto when within 10 feet of your target. Your selector switch should also be set to semi whenever you're inside of our built-up close-quarters battle areas.
Optional Safety KillsOur field does not have a mandatory safety kill or “bang-bang” rule that is sometimes used during close-proximity engagements at other airsoft fields. Players at Harris Field are actually encouraged to shoot each other with a single shot to a non-sensitive area when at point-blank range. We support this because getting shot by a BB is a lot more immediate and decisive in determining a hit rather than having to follow a complicated safety-kill rule set that involves distance estimation and dispute challenges.Alternatively, generous players may sometimes offer for their targets to call themselves out, but this is only a polite courtesy and is usually performed by offering for them to surrender. This option is not required and doesn’t need to be adhered to by the targeted player who could try to quickly turn around and shoot first. So, always keep your gun aimed at your opponent and ready to fire in these situations. Wait until your opponent has agreed to surrender and has acknowledged it by donning a red rag before you divert your muzzle away.
No Blind FiringBlind firing is when you hide behind cover and stick your gun out to start shooting without being able to see what you’re shooting at. This is prohibited at Harris Field because it’s too dangerous.
Forbidden TargetsNever shoot at a person who is not wearing adequate eye protection. Always ask yourself if your target is wearing eye-pro before pulling the trigger. Beware of curious non-players who might wander onto the field during an airsoft game. If this happens, tell them to cover their eyes with their hands. Yell for all airsofters in the area to stop shooting, and call for a field moderator to assist them off the field.Never deliberately shoot at a player who is wearing a red rag. Avoid shooting anyone who is wearing bright orange or yellow vests/hats because these are worn by dedicated field moderators, photographers, or special observers who are not playing. Never shoot at birds or other critters.
No Hard ContactAvoid physically touching other players. Never tackle, shove, punch, kick, or bite anyone. Fist fighting will result in police intervention and expulsion from the property.
Self-censorshipNo person shall be denied participation at Harris Field on the basis of body type, citizenship, ethnicity, experience level, gender identity, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. All forms of sexual harassment are prohibited at all times. Bullying and intimidation are forbidden unless it is scripted into a role-playing aspect of the game.
Safety from TheftWhen not in use, store your property in your vehicle and keep the doors locked. Harris Farm and staff are not responsible for lost, stolen, vandalized, damaged, or destroyed property.
HonorAirsoft is a game of honor. We call our hits and operate on an honor system. Honor is fundamental to the basic function of an airsoft game. Honor is adherence to what is right and fair. It is also your source of distinction within the community such as your reputation. Honor is synonymous with respect and value. So, act honorably, and you will be treated with honor.
HonestyHonesty in airsoft is about not cheating. If the game rules state that you’re supposed to sit for three minutes after getting hit, then you are expected to sit for three full minutes. Two minutes and 50 seconds isn’t long enough.Most importantly, call your hits! Honest players always call their hits. It is the most necessary part of the game. Airsoft is all about giving, taking, and sharing. There’s a lot more glory in taking a good hit than getting a kill.
AccuracyNever assume that your BBs are hitting your target unless you actually see them hit and bounce off. Also, don’t assume that everyone else’s gun is as accurate as yours. Don’t assume that their gun can hit you at range with only one or two shots. Sometimes, it may take a cluster of several shots for there to be any change of one BB hitting you. We have a wide range of equipment technology and experience levels on the field. Please be tolerant and forgiving especially with new players.
Lead by ExampleSet a good example for those around you by keeping your cool when things get heated. Never yell at others to call their hits. A truly honorable and disciplined airsofter would never call an opponent’s hit, not even quietly or politely. If you notice someone blatantly violating the rules, we have field moderators who are interested in hearing from you and gathering the facts of the situation. Don’t argue with anyone directly.
Pseudo-rageAirsofters often scream and cuss at each other. You might get yelled at, but please don’t take it personally. The stress of conflict simulation often brings out the worst behaviors in all of us. Excessive rage and profanity surfaces within the culture of airsoft especially during high-intensity firefights. Try to take it in as an exciting part of the simulation, and know that the person hollering at you will probably be smiling and apologetic later in the day.
Understand RulesAirsoft game rules are often complicated. If you’re unsure about a rule, please ask a moderator. Don’t quote game rules to other players unless you have a printed copy of them in your pocket. Likewise, if another player quotes a rule to you that sounds dubious, please contact a moderator for clarification.
Embedded MODsHarris Field has several embedded moderators or OCs (Observer/Controllers) who appear to be regular players, but they are actually undercover field moderators and may have orange “MOD” patches. These moderators have the authority to call players out or alter the game rules at any time. If you feel that a moderator is abusing their power, please contact the field manager on duty.
Gun and Equipment HitsUnless otherwise noted, gun hits count as player hits at Harris Field. And, so do hits to anything you are wearing or carrying such as a backpack or a portable game prop. Therefore, riot shields are worthless at Harris Field.
Friendly FireFriendly fire counts as a hit at Harris Field.
Explosive DevicesYou may sometimes be allowed to use certain explosive devices at Harris Field depending on the type of device, your age, the current game mode, the weather, and field conditions. These devices may sometimes include grenades and/or mines that project BBs, clay pellets, flashbang, gas, peas, small amounts of water, and/or smoke. Strikes from the small projectiles that come out of these devices count as hits. Please don’t bring any devices that emit paint, vinegar, flavored soda or anything else that would ruin someone’s clothing. If you discover a device that releases something that you believe should be added to our list of approved explosive projectiles, please contact us.Unless otherwise noted in the specific game rules, we welcome all of our players to use non-pyrotechnic explosive devices like the gas-powered Airsoft Innovations Tornado 2 Timer Frag Grenade or the spring-loaded Lancer Tactical GBR.Noise-producing grenades such as the APS/Hakkotsu Thunder B Devil Grenade may be used to distract opponents; however, they will not cause a player to be hit because Harris Field doesn’t honor any sort of a blast-radius rule. However, if a gas or pyro-powered (not spring-powered) noise-producing grenade detonates within a human-made structure that has a clearly-defined perimeter, each player within that perimeter is considered to be hit unless there was a solid wall (not just furniture) that blocked their entire body from all direct lines to the explosion. If one of these grenades detonates within a multi-room structure, it is expected to cause hits to only the exposed players who are located within the specific room where it exploded. Zoning ordinances prohibit us from putting solid roofs on our buildings, so pretend that a roof is there and don’t throw your grenades over them. However, you may toss your grenade through any open door or window. And, you may throw your grenades over any low walls that are less than 5’ tall. Never pick up a grenade to throw back at your enemy because it could explode in your hand and cause severe injuries.The use of pyrotechnic explosive devices is highly restricted at Harris Field. These devices include anything that involves any sort of burning, fire, friction, heat, sparks, etcetera in order to ignite and/or function. These devices fall under the category of Consumer Fireworks with a Hazard Division/Class of 1.4 (often 1.4G or 1.4S). A person under 21 years of age may not purchase, use, or possess consumer fireworks within the State of Maine—Title 8, Chapter 9-A, § 223-A. §§ 11 (D)The pyrotechnic devices used by players at Harris Field are required to have been manufactured in accordance with the applicable criteria of APA Standard 87-1 and purchased commercially. Homemade pyrotechnics are forbidden.Before bringing an approved pyrotechnic onto the field, you must clearly print your name on it in permanent marker. When using it, you must follow the safe-operating instructions provided with the pyrotechnic. After deploying, you must monitor your device through the completion of its effect and cool-down time so that you can safely retrieve and dispose of it properly. As shown HERE and HERE, any pyrotechnic can start a brush fire which could easily grow into a major forest fire!Players are prohibited from using fuse-lit pyrotechnics; however, ring/wire-pull and friction strike-cap igniters are allowed. Road flares and flare guns are forbidden. Never throw a hand grenade directly at someone's body.In order for players to be allowed to use approved pyrotechnic explosive devices at Harris Field, the Wildfire Danger Report must show a rating of Low (Class 1) or Moderate (Class 2) for Weather Zone 9 on the map. The fire danger rating will be announced during the pregame safety briefing. With approval from management, authorized field and game staff may occasionally operate explosive devices using methods that are beyond the limitations of this rule set as a means of safely enhancing an event.Also, smoke grenades may not be used inside any of our walled structures because of the increased risk of smoke inhalation and the resultant health hazards.
Large ProjectilesSome players use special devices to launch projectiles that are much larger than airsoft BBs such as replicas of mortars or 40mm grenade launchers. TAGinn projectiles, EndEx Pop Rockets, and similarly sized projectiles are included in this category, and some versions are permitted for use at Harris Field. These allowable projectiles must be commercially manufactured rather than homemade. However, their launchers may be homemade as long as they are built well enough to launch the projectile at least 100 feet before it hits the ground when fired at an average person's shoulder height which is 4 feet and 6 inches above the ground as tested with the person aiming it parallel to a stretch of relatively flat and level ground.Never launch any of these projectiles directly at someone’s body except for the Master Key - Buckshot round and the like which may be fired at someone if they're at least 10 feet away. The Velum smoke grenade is prohibited because it puts out too many sparks after it lands on the ground too far away from the shooter's supervision. The Paladin marker chalk/powder round is prohibited because it is too hard and makes a mess. Alternatively, you may use foam projectiles such as the Pecker dummy round which is softer, less dangerous, and less expensive. Even though foam rounds may not be fired directly at other players, they have the benefit of eliminating all of the players within the room where they land unless those players are hiding behind a solid wall within that room. If you're the shooter, please keep in mind that players often won't notice that the foam projectile landed in their room because it doesn't make enough noise and may not have been seen. Please do not get angry and start yelling if your dummy round fails to have the effect that you want.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these rules, please ask.And, remember to always be SHUR (Safety, Honor, Understand Rules).Are you SHUR?