In this sequel to Awaken the Dragon, the military forces of Taiwan must defend themselves from a fierce Chinese invasion!
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
08:00 Parking lot opens; Participants gear up09:00 Sugar House opens for check-in, rentals, & salesThose who arrive after 9:30 a.m. may not participate.10:00 Sugar House closes; New-player orientation10:15 Gear inspected; Guns chronographed10:30 Game briefing at 1st Entrance10:45 Taiwan field insertion11:00 Startex15:00 Endex; Debriefing at MAC
Required ItemsAdmission eTicket purchased in advanceBarrel cover on each airsoft rifleFull-seal eye protection (ANSI Z87.1) with a strapHard plastic/metal lower face mask for <15 yearsPortable hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)Red rag (at least 1 square foot)Signed 2020 Waiver unless you already gave oneWristwatch with stopwatch timerDetailed Required Items linked HERE
Field RulesAge minimum = 12 yearsFPS limit = 400fps with .25s (1.86J)Bolt-action limit = 550fps w/ .25s (3.51J) & 100’ MEDFriendly fire counts.Gun hits count.Safety kills are optional.Noise grenades eliminate everyone in the same room.Explosive devices have several restrictions.More Field Rules linked HERE
Semi-Auto OnlyFull-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this event. Only one BB is to be projected with each cycle of the trigger.However, we allow the following exceptions to this rule:
- Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) replicas that are listed HERE
- Guns that weigh at least 10 pounds and are at least 36 inches in length
- Pump/slide-action or lever-action guns that shoot multi-round bursts
- BB shower shells such as Madbull
- Mini launchers such as Zoxna
- Double-barrel guns such as THIS when fired only in semi-auto
FactionsYour faction will be finalized on game day based on your preferences, your loadout/clothing, and our faction size goals:
Commanding Officer (CO): Yao Wen HuExecutive Officer (XO): Bat'ko--------------------------------------------------Insignia color: redPhase 1 Self-respawn: 1st EntrancePhase 2 Self-respawns:Swamp Base & Fort HarrisRadio channel: 1 (462.5625 MHz)
Commanding Officer (CO): BerserkerExecutive Officer (XO): OxiClean--------------------------------------------------Insignia color: bluePhase 1 Self-respawn: nonePhase 2 Self-respawns:Sofa Chair & Zombie StumpRadio channel: 2 (462.5875 MHz)
Radio CommunicationIf you have a two-way radio, keep it set on your faction’s radio channel. You may monitor the other factions' channels, but do not transmit on them. VOX mode, hot mic-ing, and channel jamming are all prohibited. Please familiarize yourself with your radio and program in its channels before arriving at the field.
Dress CodeThis is not a strict reenactment. Many participants will show up with all kinds of different camo/clothing and equipment. We will loan you insignia to distinguish you from the opposing faction. If you'd like to be on with China, you can order genuine Chinese equipment and uniforms from HERE.
ObjectiveThis is a scored event. The faction that earns the most points will be declared the winner after endex during the debriefing at the MAC.
Phase 1: Foothold (11:00–12:00)China will start at 1st Entrance and move to get its claws into Taiwan by carrying their flags inland to capture Fort Harris and Pallet Base in order to establish a forward operation base (FOB) at each of these locations. Taiwan must defend their island and deter the Chinese invasion. Taiwanese players may start anywhere within 200 feet of either Fort Harris or Pallet Base, and it is recommended that they get into concealed/covered defensive positions so that they are less likely to get hit right away. But, they are welcome to move elsewhere around the field after startex.Up to 60 points are available to be earned by each faction during this phase with one point awarded to Taiwan for each minute that at least one of the FOBs remains uncaptured by China during the first hour after startex. Conversely, one point will be awarded to China for each minute during the first hour that both FOBs have been secured by them. Once a FOB has been captured by China, it may not be retaken by Taiwan. Once the first hour has been reached, any remaining uncaptured FOBs will be abandoned by Taiwan and given to China for the remainder of the operation. The next phase may be started early if both FOBs are owned by China before the first hour is reached. There will be a pausex after this phase is completed to allow time for both factions to rally at either of their respective Phase 2 self-respawn locations.Only Chinese players may carry/touch the flags during this phase, and the flags must be dropped when they or the players carrying them are hit.Also, during this phase, Taiwanese players have only one life each which means that they must move to either Sofa Chair or Zombie Stump after getting hit to wait for the next phase to start. In contrast, during this phase and throughout the entire operation, Chinese players will have full respawn privileges as described in the "Hit & Respawn Rules" below.
Phase 2: Conquest (12:00–15:00)For the remainder of the operation, both factions will have full respawn privileges as described above. Each faction must start this phase from either of their Phase 2 self-respawn pole locations, and they will be fighting for control over Castle, Gully Base, MAC Tower, Prison, Trailhead, and Wolves' Den which are each marked in orange on the following map:
Flip & RadioTo capture a control site, you must throw your enemy’s flag on the ground and replace it with your own as shown HERE. There’s no limit to the number of times that the flags may be flipped on a control site, but you’re not allowed to steal or hide the flags.In order to begin accruing minutes for your faction on the control site that you just captured, you must also use the Baofeng radio that is located at the control site to notify Omego of the flip. Any delay in radioing the flip will delay the accrual of minutes. Each faction’s minute accrual will be started and stopped on Omego’s smart phone. Everyone with an internet connection may monitor the scoreboard in real time through this URL:
Fragmentary Order (FRAGO)This FRAGO is available to be initiated by Taiwan during Phase 2.In a devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, China fried every electronic device on the entire island of Taiwan except for an underground bunker in Yushan (the "Tents" on the map). Taiwan must escort their President Tsai Ing-wen into that bunker where she must have 15 uninterrupted minutes in a tent to activate the communications equipment and call for help from her foreign allies. Success will earn 60 points for Taiwan and will immediately end Tsai's existence in the game as soon as the 15-minute call is completed. It must be announced over the field public-address system when President Tsai arrives at the Tents and begins the 15-minute call so that China will be alerted. She is like an invincible game prop who will enter the game surrounded by Taiwanese troops and will follow the movements of the dominant live player in the vicinity, either friend of foe, at a reasonable pace.During this FRAGO, China will have the opportunity to intercept Tsai and escort her to either of their FOBs (Pallet Base or Fort Harris) which will immediately earn 60 points for China and end Tsai's existence in the game.
Swap MeetYou are welcome to buy/sell/trade your airsoft equipment in and around the parking lot and staging area during the morning of this event.
Our Commitment to YouThe field managers and event producers will follow through with this operation regardless of the weather. We are fully committed to delivering everything that we advertise and greatly respect the sacrifices that you make in order to attend our ops. Your opinions and improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share them.