Locked in a simulation put on by an insane airsofter, participants are set on the field to recreate the battle of Hoover Dam from Fallout: New Vegas.

Saturday, August 13, 2022
Harris Farm Airsoft Field is located at:  271 Buzzell Road, Dayton, Maine, United States
08:00 Parking lot opens; Participants gear up09:00 Sugar House opens for check-in, rentals, & salesThose who arrive after 9:30 a.m. may not participate.10:00 Sugar House closes; New-player orientation10:15 Gear inspected; Guns chronographed10:30 Field insertion10:45 Game briefings simultaneously at faction camps11:00 Startex15:00 Endex; Debriefing & Raffle at MAC
Event TypeObjectives = not scoredRole-playing = heavy/encouragedTimeline = phasedRules = intermediateTrigger time = variablePhysical exertion = moderate
Please BUY A TICKET online in advance HERE to get into this event because our capacity is limited.
Required ItemsAdmission eTicket purchased in advanceBarrel cover on each airsoft rifleFull-seal eye protection (ANSI Z87.1) with a strapHard plastic/metal lower face mask for <15 yearsPortable hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)Red rag (at least 1 square foot)Signed 2020 Waiver unless you already gave oneWristwatch with stopwatch timerDetailed Required Items linked HERE
Field RulesAge minimum = 12 yearsFPS limit = 400fps with .25s (1.86J)Bolt-action limit = 550fps w/ .25s (3.51J) & 100’ MEDFriendly fire counts.Gun hits count.Safety kills are optional.Noise grenades eliminate everyone in the same room.Explosive devices have several restrictions.More Field Rules linked HERE
Semi-Auto OnlyFull-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this event.  Only one BB is to be projected with each cycle of the trigger.However, certain participants with special roles may be given exceptions.
Hit & Respawn RulesOnce hit, anyone can apply a bandage to another player up to 3 bandages.  After 3 bandages, you need your bandages replenished.  Legion squad leaders can do this in the field.  NCR Units that run out of bandages will need to return to respawn at Camp McCarran (MAC building) to replenish their supply.  The exception to this rule is the Followers of the Apocalypse who, with their advanced medical knowledge, can replenish bandages.  Hit players can be instantly bandaged or may walk back to base after 3 minutes.  Respawn for Caesar's Legion is The Fort (Prison).
During the opening phases, role players are INVULNERABLE.
FactionsYour faction will be finalized on game day based on your preferences, your loadout/clothing, your experience level, your friend group, any local airsoft team affiliation that you may have, and our faction size goals:
Caesar's Legion
Main bases: Alpha & PrisonRadio channel: 1 (462.5625 MHz)
Road to War:  Ave, legionnaire.  You hail from one of the strongest cohorts in the Legion.  Under the banner of the Great Caesar, you have seen him bring hundreds of tribes together to build an empire out of nothing but dust.  You believe in his just word and yearn for the glory of battle.  The ‘Republic’ has no virtues or morals and is just as corrupt as the world of old.  You will purge the degenerates from these lands and bring order to the world.  True to Caesar, you pledge yourself.
Rules of Engagement (ROE):
  • New California Republic (NCR) - Kill on sight
  • New Vegas - Neutral
  • Followers of the Apocalypse - Neutral
  • Boomers - Neutral
  • Brotherhood of Steel (BOS) - Neutral

Casualty Plan (Hits / Respawn):  The Legion has taught you to care for your fellow legionnaire, and you can apply bandages to another legionnaire.  After 3 bandages, that legionnaire is beyond basic medical care and will enter shock (3-minute beedout).  These legionnaires can be forced back into combat after their shock (have their bandages restored) by a legion centurion (squad leader).  If no centurion is available, they have to recover at The Fort (Prison).
Key Terrain:
  • Cottonwood Cove - Alpha
  • The Fort - Prison

Enemy Disposition:
  • Hoover Dam - Wolves' Den
  • Camp McCarran - MAC

Special Troops:The Great Caesar - The Emperor of the Legion and its many east territoriesLegion Centurions (4x squad leaders) - The Pride of the LegionSpecial Role / Battlefield Effect - Can fully restore legionnaires with 3 bandages or lessConditional Effect - Centurions can replenish their own bandages after a 3-minute bleedout Vexillation Immunes Speculatores - Ave, True to Caesar.
New California Republic (NCR)
Main bases: MAC building & Wolves' DenRadio channel: 2 (462.5875 MHz)
Road to War:  You have enlisted in the New California Republic’s Army.  As New California has looked east to the Remnants of Las Vegas, you’ve encountered the hardships of a long and hard campaign.  You have lost many of your friends to the Legion in the fighting that has come over the critical Hoover Dam.  You are fighting to keep these savages from overrunning your position and spreading their evil west.
Rules Of Engagement (ROE): 
  • Caesar's Legion - Kill on sight
  • New Vegas - Neutral
  • Followers of the Apocalypse - Neutral
  • Boomers - Neutral
  • Brotherhood of Steel (BOS) - Neutral

Casualty Plan (Hits/Respawn):  Your basic army training allows you to bandage your allies.  When hit, an ally can instantly bandage you; however, any NCR trooper who has been bandaged 3 times, will need to report to the aid station at Camp McCarran for critical support (3-minute bleedout with MAC as respawn).
Key Terrain: 
  • Hoover Dam - Wolves' Den
  • Camp McCarran - MAC

Enemy Disposition:
  • Cottonwood Cove - Alpha
  • The Fort - Prison

Special Troops:General Oliver - NCR Ground Forces CommanderNCR Squad Leaders (4x) - Veteran troops who have mastered accuracy through volume. Special Role / Battlefield Effect - Squad Leaders are allowed fully automatic fire.
Radio CommunicationIf you have a two-way radio, keep it set on your faction’s radio channel.  You may not monitor or transmit on the other factions' channels unless you have a special role that allows itVOX mode, hot mic-ing, and channel jamming are all prohibited.  Please familiarize yourself with your radio and program in its channels before arriving at the field.
ScenarioIt has been 200 years since the world was thrown into chaos by nuclear war.  Born of the ashes of the US west coast rises the New California Republic aka the NCR.  Idealists trying to recreate the great USA of pre-war have now established themselves a standing military and expanded in the search for more resources.  It was in this manifest destiny back to the east the NCR encountered the mighty Colorado River, The Hoover Dam, and the remnants of Las Vegas.  Expecting just another war-torn relic of the past they were instead met with a wary welcome by New Vegas and the factions of Nevada. Taking martial control of the Hoover Dam as one of only two crossings of the Colorado the NCR quickly encountered the scouts of a different banner.  The scouts carried a red banner emblazoned with a great Bull which was the mark of Caesar and his vast Legion.  The NCR quickly found itself outnumbered by the Legion as it made its conquest of tribes westward.  New Vegas has been witness to the money and blood spilt in the name of tribes and now nations.  New Vegas, the Boomers, the Followers of the Apocalypse, and the Brotherhood of Steel look on to see which banner will reign supreme.  Will caps or New Vegas dollars sway the onlookers or only acts of friendship?Now the Colorado river and the forces stationed along its banks are the only thing between New Vegas and its inhabitants coming under diplomacy or a dictator.  Will the NCR hold onto the dam with their superior technology and firepower, or will Caesar and his vast legion continue their rise to bring order to the lawless wastes?
Map OrientationThe following locations have been renamed for this operation:New California Republic (NCR)Wolves' Den - Hoover Dam, one of the only Colorado river crossingsMAC - Camp McCarran, the main base of operations for the NCRCaesar’s LegionAlpha - CottonWood Cove, the only other Colorado river crossingPrison - The Fort, the main base of operations for Caesar’s LegionMinor FactionsFort Harris - New Vegas, the home of the mercantile freemen and FotAGully Base - Hidden Valley, the home of the BOSBravo Base - Nellis AFB, the home of the Boomers
End GameAt the end of the day, a new phase will be called with one hour remaining in game.  Factions will be recalled to take objectives (Wolves' Den, Alpha, Prison, MAC).  The minor factions will pick the side that has completed more quests and will join that faction for the final battle.  At this point, the main bases (MAC Building for NCR & Prison for Caesar’s Legion) will be opened for attack, and whichever side holds both main bases at the end of the day will win.In the ending phase, the minor factions will have picked a side.  Boomers are considered invulnerable and can toss frag grenades simulating artillery at any non-structure.  Once they have picked a side, the New Vegas faction will follow normal player hit rules and can be bandaged.
Side QuestsProps and objectives are live at game start.  You may barter or use what you have found to gain favor with the minor factions including caps, New Vegas dollars, and information.  Event-specific props given as a mission by minor factions will have SIGNIFICANTLY MORE WEIGHT in their decision to side with your faction or not.  Factions will side with whichever faction has treated them the best and completed more of their side missions.  It will be the minor factions CHOICE what side they chose to join at the end of the day, so treat them well.
New Vegas – Find caps stashed at bases to buy information and goodies.  If a side steals from or treats this faction badly, the faction is less likely to help them.  New Vegas is all about winning, and a winning side is a loyal side.  The end-game alliance will be decided by New Vegas based on loyalty points.
Boomers – The Boomers are an invulnerable group of isolationists based out of Nellis Air Force Base (Bravo Base).  They will meet any attack with explosives.  However, if you persuade this faction to join you, they will lob explosives at your enemies.  The end-game alliance will be based on quest completion and loyalty points.
BOS - The Western Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel are located in their bunker at Hidden Valley (Gully Base).  They have power-armored troopers who are invulnerable to small arms for a short time.  Completing their quests will earn their cooperation for your faction.
Followers - They will wander around and have no set base.  They can instantly replenish bandages for ANYONE they chose.  Followers will remain neutral unless a faction treats them badly.  The Followers role-players, with their advanced medical skills, can heal themselves and do not bleed out, thus, should be considered invulnerable.  They may chose a side in the end game or may remain neutral.
Special RolesCaesar = HoneyBadgerNCR General Oliver = MJP?Mr. House = Hawk2x Boomer Role Players2x BOS Role Players4x New Vegas Role Player2x Followers of The Apocalypse Role Players4x Legion Squad Leaders4x NCR Squad LeadersThese role may be expanded based on event size.  If you would like to be a role-player or squad leader, please contact Aussie.
Raffle GiveawayIf you stay until endex, we'll give you a FREE raffle ticket and a chance to win a valuable airsoft prize.
Swap MeetYou are welcome to buy/sell/trade your airsoft equipment in and around the parking lot and staging area during the morning of this event.
Our Commitment to YouThe field managers and event producers will follow through with this operation regardless of the weather.  We are fully committed to delivering everything that we advertise and greatly respect the sacrifices that you make in order to attend our ops.  Your opinions and improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share them.
This event was produced by Aussie and the Imperial Recreation DivisionIf you have any questions, please ask!