During the First World War, the Battle of Mons, Belgium, was the first major engagement of the British Expeditionary Force. Deployed along the canal, the BEF dug in to prevent the German 1st Army from outflanking them via the bridges that cross over it.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
08:00 Parking lot opens; Participants gear up09:00 Sugar House opens for check-in, rentals, & salesThose who arrive after 9:30 a.m. may not participate.10:00 Sugar House closes; New-player orientation10:15 Gear inspected; Guns chronographed10:30 Field insertion10:45 Game briefing at School~11:00 Startex when commanders are ready15:00 Endex; Debriefing & Raffle at MAC
Event TypeObjectives = not scoredRole-playing = lightTimeline = phasedRules = intermediateTrigger time = heavyPhysical exertion = variable
Required ItemsAdmission eTicket purchased in advanceBarrel cover on each airsoft rifleFull-seal eye protection (ANSI Z87.1) with a strapHard plastic/metal lower face mask for <15 yearsPortable hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)Red rag (at least 1 square foot)Signed 2020 Waiver unless you already gave oneWristwatch with stopwatch timerDetailed Required Items linked HERE
Field RulesAge minimum = 12 yearsFPS limit = 400fps with .25s (1.86J)Bolt-action limit = 550fps w/ .25s (3.51J) & 100’ MEDFriendly fire counts.Gun hits count.Safety kills are optional.Noise grenades eliminate everyone in the same room.Explosive devices have several restrictions.More Field Rules linked HERE
Semi-Auto OnlyFull-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this event. Only one BB is to be projected with each cycle of the trigger.However, we allow the following exceptions to this rule:
- Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) replicas that are listed HERE
- Pump/slide-action or lever-action guns that shoot multi-round bursts
- BB shower shells such as Madbull
- Mini launchers such as Zoxna
- Double-barrel guns such as THIS when fired only in semi-auto
- We’re also allowing full-auto for replicas of certain models of full machine guns that were used during World War II and earlier such as the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), Browning machine gun, FG 42, MG 34, MG 42, Type 96 light machine gun, or ZB vzor 26. If you own a replica that you feel should be added to this list, please contact us.
Magazine RestrictionsYou are allowed to load your mags regardless of your hit status but only within the perimeter of your faction's aid station.Among the post-World-War-II guns that you have on your person during this game, each may have no more than one wind-up high-capacity mag or up to three mid/low-cap mags. If you have a post-World-War-II replica from the SAW list linked HERE and want to use it with electric drum or box mags, you may only use one.There are no magazine restrictions for replicas of guns that were used during World War II and earlier; therefore, you may carry an unlimited number of all types of mags for them.
Special Hit & Respawn RulesSummary: Whenever you get hit, you must call it, put on your red rag, start your timer, and remain in place until a medic “drags” you to your faction's aid station to be respawned. If ten minutes have elapsed since you were hit and you haven't yet been dragged by a medic all the way to your aid station, you may go there on your own, but a medic must be present with you at your aid station in order for you to be respawned there. Respawning where hit, respawn trees, and self-respawn poles are all excluded from this game. The only way to respawn is at your aid station with a medic present.
Details: If you, your gun, anything you’re holding, or anything worn on your body are struck by a BB, a foam sword, or a stealth hit such as a "knife kill" (shoulder tap), then you’re immediately considered to be hit and out of play.After being hit, you’re expected to loudly call out "Hit, hit, hit!" as you pull out and wave your red rag a couple times before placing it on your head. You want your attacker to know that they hit you so that you’ll no longer be targeted for more hits. Close-range hits don’t require such loud acknowledgements. Stealth-hits are to be acknowledged silently by simply donning the red rag without saying “hit” or anything else.You may not shoot at or attempt to hit anyone else while you’re a hit player. You may not communicate with live players or use radios other than to announce that you’ve been hit or to request a medic. On the other hand, as a hit player, you may speak to other hit players about anything as long as it’s spoken quietly enough to where no live players will overhear the conversation. Any game props that are larger/longer than a basketball must be dropped at your feet when you’re hit, but please keep your own guns and gear with you at all times.After putting on your red rag, you must start your required wristwatch timer and wait in place. You should assess whether a live medic can get to you and "drag" you out of your current position without getting hit. If you think the situation is safe enough and it is still less than ten minutes since you were hit according to your timer, you should call for a live medic to drag you all the way to your faction's aid station. To simulate dragging, you must maintain physical contact with the medic while walking or running together. Don’t pause your timer while being dragged. Additional hits that you receive while being dragged don’t cause your time to reset; however, the medic who's dragging you is now hit. This prevents medics from using hit players as mobile meat-shields. A live medic may drag only one hit player at a time. As soon as you are dragged by the medic within the perimeter of your faction's aid station, you will be instantly respawned as a fully functional player.While you are waiting to be dragged, you may find yourself in the line of fire. For your safety and to minimize your impact on the live game, you should get low and/or move just far enough to be out of the line of fire.After your ten minutes have elapsed since getting hit, you should no longer be dragged because you are allowed to move on your own to your faction's aid station. Once you arrive within the perimeter of your aid station, there must be at least one medic present there before you're allowed to respawn, so you may need to call for one or just wait patiently.If you are a medic who gets hit, all of these same rules apply to you; however, there are two differences. First, you may be dragged to your aid station by any factionmate even if they aren't a medic, again, with a non-medic dragging only one medic at a time. Second, you don't need another medic present to respawn yourself at your aid station.Medics may be armed and are allowed to fight just as hard as any other player if they wish. During the pregame briefing, individuals will be selected and given special red-cross armbands to play as medics at a ratio of roughly one medic for every five regular players. During the game, the role of medic may be switched among players and the medic armband transferred while at their aid station and with the approval of their faction commanders.Also, unique to this game is that non-medics are not allowed to drag other non-medics.
Details: If you, your gun, anything you’re holding, or anything worn on your body are struck by a BB, a foam sword, or a stealth hit such as a "knife kill" (shoulder tap), then you’re immediately considered to be hit and out of play.After being hit, you’re expected to loudly call out "Hit, hit, hit!" as you pull out and wave your red rag a couple times before placing it on your head. You want your attacker to know that they hit you so that you’ll no longer be targeted for more hits. Close-range hits don’t require such loud acknowledgements. Stealth-hits are to be acknowledged silently by simply donning the red rag without saying “hit” or anything else.You may not shoot at or attempt to hit anyone else while you’re a hit player. You may not communicate with live players or use radios other than to announce that you’ve been hit or to request a medic. On the other hand, as a hit player, you may speak to other hit players about anything as long as it’s spoken quietly enough to where no live players will overhear the conversation. Any game props that are larger/longer than a basketball must be dropped at your feet when you’re hit, but please keep your own guns and gear with you at all times.After putting on your red rag, you must start your required wristwatch timer and wait in place. You should assess whether a live medic can get to you and "drag" you out of your current position without getting hit. If you think the situation is safe enough and it is still less than ten minutes since you were hit according to your timer, you should call for a live medic to drag you all the way to your faction's aid station. To simulate dragging, you must maintain physical contact with the medic while walking or running together. Don’t pause your timer while being dragged. Additional hits that you receive while being dragged don’t cause your time to reset; however, the medic who's dragging you is now hit. This prevents medics from using hit players as mobile meat-shields. A live medic may drag only one hit player at a time. As soon as you are dragged by the medic within the perimeter of your faction's aid station, you will be instantly respawned as a fully functional player.While you are waiting to be dragged, you may find yourself in the line of fire. For your safety and to minimize your impact on the live game, you should get low and/or move just far enough to be out of the line of fire.After your ten minutes have elapsed since getting hit, you should no longer be dragged because you are allowed to move on your own to your faction's aid station. Once you arrive within the perimeter of your aid station, there must be at least one medic present there before you're allowed to respawn, so you may need to call for one or just wait patiently.If you are a medic who gets hit, all of these same rules apply to you; however, there are two differences. First, you may be dragged to your aid station by any factionmate even if they aren't a medic, again, with a non-medic dragging only one medic at a time. Second, you don't need another medic present to respawn yourself at your aid station.Medics may be armed and are allowed to fight just as hard as any other player if they wish. During the pregame briefing, individuals will be selected and given special red-cross armbands to play as medics at a ratio of roughly one medic for every five regular players. During the game, the role of medic may be switched among players and the medic armband transferred while at their aid station and with the approval of their faction commanders.Also, unique to this game is that non-medics are not allowed to drag other non-medics.
FactionsYour faction will be finalized on game day based on your preferences, your loadout/clothing, your experience level, your friend group, any local airsoft team affiliation that you may have, and our faction size goals:
British Expeditionary Force (BEF)
Starting aid station: MemorialProvided insignia: blueRadio channel: 1 (462.5625 MHz)
German 1st Army
Starting aid station: PrisonProvided insignia: goldRadio channel: 2 (462.5875 MHz)
Radio CommunicationIf you have a two-way radio, keep it set on your faction’s radio channel. You may not monitor or transmit on the other factions' channels. VOX mode, hot mic-ing, and channel jamming are all prohibited. Please familiarize yourself with your radio and program in its channels before arriving at the field.
Dress CodeThis is not a strict reenactment. Many participants will show up with modern camo/clothing and equipment. We will provide you with discernible faction patches/armbands. If you have anything, please wear clothing that somewhat resembles any of the military uniforms worn during World War I or II.
No TreasonYou must remain loyal to the faction that you are currently on and not betray them, because any form of treason will break this game.
No Station-campingYou and your faction are not allowed to stalk, surround, fire upon, or be within 75 feet of the enemy aid station. Likewise, they're not allowed to camp your aid station either.
Area of Operations (AO)The AO is divided in half by a brook (Mons Canal) that will be cordoned on the field with blue trail tape and is shown in blue on the following map. There will be five openings in the trail tape that will simulate five bridges and are marked as numbered orange flags on the map:
Phase 1: Bridge ControlThe factions will fight each other over control of the five bridges, and the BEF will start out with their flags raised on all five. The BEF may start anywhere on their north side of the canal, and it's recommended that they be positioned defensively to guard the bridges as ordered by their commanders. The Germans will be south of the canal and must all start from Echo Base where they should pick up five German flags to use for capturing the bridges as ordered by their commanders.During this entire phase, each faction must remain on its own side of the canal with the exception of the Germans being allowed to cross no more than ten feet into the BEF side and only at the bridge locations in order to capture them. To capture a bridge, you must throw your enemy’s flag on the ground and replace it with your own as shown HERE. There’s no limit to the number of times that the flags may be flipped on a bridge, but you’re not allowed to steal or hide the flags.In order to earn status to your faction for taking the bridge, you must also use the Baofeng radio that is located at there to notify Game Control of the flip. Any delay in radioing the flip will delay earning status to your faction. Each faction’s bridge-control status will be tracked on Game Control's smart phone. Everyone with an internet connection may monitor the status in real time through this URL: https://board.multitimer.net/view/?q=1lri9civtqIf the Germans are able to achieve simultaneous control of all of the bridges, this phase will end and force the BEF to retreat.
Bridge DemolitionAt 11:30, the BEF will be given a simulated explosive that they may use to attempt to demolish one of the bridges. Their CO may select no more than two players (Royal Engineers) who will be the only ones allowed to carry and plant the explosive on the bridge of their choice. The explosive is planted by setting it on top of the bridge and using the attached radio to announce the bridge number where it has been planted. Then, Game Control will announce over the PA system how much time remains left on the five-minute countdown to detonation. Once the explosive has been planted, it may not be moved or reused elsewhere.During the countdown, the Germans may attempt to defuse it by simply getting to it and using the attached radio to announce that it has been defused. If the explosive detonates, then that bridge is neutralized and may no longer be crossed or flag-controlled by either faction which will result in the Germans needing to achieve simultaneous control of only the remaining four bridges in order to end Phase 1. As soon as it is either detonated or defused, the explosive prop is out of play and will be collected by Game Control.
1st PausexBefore the next phase begins, there will be a ten-minute pause in all combat to allow time for the BEF to move their aid station to Fort Harris and rally at the MAC. The Germans will rally at their Prison aid station where they will receive an additional flag.
Phase 2: Retreat to MonsAfter having lost all of the bridges, the BEF have retreated and regrouped at the MAC (town of Mons) where they must start this phase in defensive positions anywhere within the fence of this complex. They are tasked with defending their flag in the tower and preventing the Germans from replacing it. Whenever a BEF player is hit, they may be dragged by a medic to Fort Harris for a respawn, but they are expected to immediately get back to defending the MAC. All of the MAC fence gates must remain open to give the medics a chance to drag people out. Even though the fight for control of the bridges has ended, the Germans are allowed to cross only at the bridges that were not demolished during Phase 1. This phase will end as soon as the Germans raise their flag in the tower.
2nd PausexBefore the next phase begins, there will be a ten-minute pause in all combat to allow time for the BEF to move their aid station to Swamp Base and rally at Pallet Base. The Germans will move their aid station to Castle and then rally at their newly captured MAC where they will receive an additional flag.
Phase 3: Retreat to MaubeugeAfter having lost Mons, the BEF have retreated and regrouped at Pallet Base (commune of Maubeuge) where they must start this phase in defensive positions anywhere within 30 of its walls. They are tasked with defending their flag and preventing the Germans from replacing it. Whenever a BEF player is hit, they may be dragged by a medic to Swamp Base for a respawn, but they are expected to immediately get back to defending Pallet Base. The entire game will end as soon as the Germans swap their flag at Pallet Base. If it ends before 15:00, we will play some skirmish games based on the majority vote of the players.
LeadershipSince you care enough about this event to have read this far down, please consider requesting a leadership role. Details linked HERE
Raffle GiveawayIf you stay until endex, we'll give you a FREE raffle ticket and a chance to win a valuable airsoft prize.
Swap MeetYou are welcome to buy/sell/trade your airsoft equipment in and around the parking lot and staging area during the morning of this event.
Our Commitment to YouThe field managers and event producers will follow through with this operation regardless of the weather. We are fully committed to delivering everything that we advertise and greatly respect the sacrifices that you make in order to attend our ops. Your opinions and improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share them.